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Saturday, 26 October 2013

How to Hide Specific Posts From Homepage in Blog of Blogger

How to Hide Specific Posts From Homepage in Blog of BloggerHiding a particular or certain post from the homepage of your blogger blog may seem to be a repulsive act, however it will add up on some occasions. Recently, one among our users asked us the way to hide specific posts from your Homepage in Blogger? this method is important for those webmasters who no longer want to show a post that's showing on their homepage. the rationale may be something the post may be obsolete, or it may be a giveaway article that doesn't look relevant to be displayed on homepage. nowadays during this article, we are going to show you ways to cover specific posts from the homepage in blogger.

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The primary issue you wish to login into your blogger account and head to Templates >> Edit html (be positive you've got taken a backup of your template, it's an honest observe just in case one thing went wrong you'll use the backup) and seek for the subsequent code. you'll realize the below code somewhere close to the BLOG1 Code.

<div class="date-outer">

Now properly replace the on top of code with the following lines of writing by ensuring you're exactly copying and pasting the correct code. If you miss one thing, then the code won't work and you will face some reasonably errors.

<div class="date-outer"
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.searchQuery == &quot;&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.searchLabel == &quot;&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:post.url == &quot;Your-Post-Link&quot;'> style=&#39;display:none;&#39;</b:if>
<b:if cond='data:post.url == &quot;ANOTHER POST URL&quot;'> style=&#39;display:none;&#39;</b:if>

After pasting the on top of code, currently it's up to you which of them blog posts you'd prefer to hide from your homepage. Replace Your-Post-Link with the URL of you post that you just would really like to cover from your homepage. you'll hide multiple posts by adding additional URLS in tag.

Congratulations: Once everything is completed, save the model. currently attend your homepage and take a look at if things area unit operating in keeping with the plan. If you follow the steps properly, we tend to area unit sure it'd work simply fine.

Alternative Method:

Every post has its own unique ID, therefore if we tend to area unit ready to notice that distinctive id we are able to clearly apply display:none; CSS to cover it from our homepage. we've already written a tutorial on however you'll notice ID of your posts, therefore before moving ahead Scan that Tutorial here.

Once you bought your Post ID, go to >> Template >> Edit html and look for the skin tag, and simply on top of it paste the subsequent CSS code. Rememeber. don't forget to interchange post-1234567 along with your own Post ID that you'd prefer to hide from your homepage.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == ... >
#post-1234567 {display:none}
<b:if cond='data:blog.searchLabel == ... >
#post-8903456 {display:none}

We hope this tutorial, could have helped you in learning a number of techniques through that you'll be able to hide a post from your homepage. Since, we've got used display:none; css that the search bots can still index it because it isn't fully removed from the source code of your website.


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